MMA/Boxing Events Insurance Program
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This specialty insurance program offers two unique insurance coverages for promoters and event planners.
Coverages available include:
Accident Medical Insurance for the participants to satisfy state athletic commission requirements.
General Liability Coverage to protect the venue and the promoter.
Participant Accident Insurance Coverage
Maximum Medical:
Please note: Each state has different required accident benefits for amateur and professional participants. Please consult the athletic commission in your state to confirm the requirements.
All participants are covered while participating in Policyholder sponsored and supervised mixed martial arts, kickboxing, boxing or wrestling events. A participant is also covered while traveling, directly and without interruption, to and from any Policyholder sponsored activity and his or her home or place of residence.
Medical Expense Benefit
If the Covered Person incurs eligible expenses as the result of a covered injury, the Company will pay the charges incurred for such expense within 1 year, beginning on the date of accident. Payment will be made for eligible expenses in excess of any other applicable insurance, not to exceed the Maximum Medical Expense Benefit. The first such expense must be incurred within 90 days after the date of the accident.
“Eligible Expenses” means charges for the necessary medical treatment and service, not to exceed the Maximum Medical Expense Benefit as indicated on the following pages.
Excess Coverage: This plan does not cover treatment or service for which benefits are payable or service is available under any other insurance or medical service plan available to the Insured Person.
Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit
If a covered injury results in any of the losses specified below within one year after the date of the accident, the company will pay the applicable amount:
Full Principal Sum for loss of life
Full Principal Sum for double dismemberment
Full Principal Sum for loss of sight of both eyes
50% of the Principal Sum for loss of one hand, one foot, or sight of one eye
25% of the Principal Sum for loss of index finger and thumb of same hand “Member” means hand, foot, or eye. Loss of hand or foot means complete severance above the wrist or ankle joint. Loss of eye means the total, permanent loss of sight. If the Principal Sum is payable, no indemnity will be paid for dismemberment. In any event, the Double Dismemberment Indemnity is the maximum amount payable under this Benefit for all losses resulting from one accident.
This plan does not cover any loss to or resulting from:
Suicide, self-destruction, attempted self-destruction or intentional self-inflicted injury while sane or insane. War or any act of war, declared or undeclared. Sickness, disease or any bacterial infection, except one that results from an accidental cut or wound or pyogenic infections that result from accidental ingestion of contaminated substances. Voluntarily taking any drug or narcotic unless the drug or narcotic is prescribed by a Physician. Covered Expenses for which the Covered Person would not be responsible in the absence of this Policy. Injuries paid under Workers' Compensation, Employer's liability laws or similar occupational benefits or while engaging in activity for monetary gain from sources other than the Policyholder. Injury caused by, contributed to or resulting from the Covered Person's use of alcohol, illegal drugs or medicines that are not taken in the dosage or for the purpose as prescribed by the Covered Person's Physician. Service or Active Duty in the armed forces, National Guard, military, naval or air service or organized reserve corps of any country or international organization. Services or treatment rendered by a Physician, Nurse or any other person who is employed or retained by the policyholder; or an Immediate Family member of the Covered Person. Treatment of a hernia, Osgood-Schlatter's disease, osteochondritis, appendicitis, osteomyelitis, cardiac disease or conditions, pathological fractures, congenital weakness, whether or not caused by a Covered Accident. Damage to or loss of dentures or bridges or damage to existing orthodontic equipment, except as specifically provided in this Policy. Eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids. Travel or flight in or on any vehicle for aerial navigation, including boarding or alighting from: While riding as a passenger in any aircraft not intended or licensed for the transportation of passengers.
General Liability Insurance Coverage
General Liability coverage is for spectators only. This coverage provides protection for Bodily Injury Liability, Property Damage Liability against negligence claims and the costs to defend the promoter and additional insureds.Please note, participant coverage is excluded .
Per Occurrence Limit:
General Aggregate Limit:
Who Is Covered
This program provides protection for the promoters, employees, staff, and volunteers against claims of bodily injury liability, property damage liability, personal and advertising injury liability, and the litigation costs to defend against such claims. There is no deductible amount for this coverage.
Coverage includes suits arising out of:
Injury or death of spectators
Injury or death of volunteers
Property damage liability
Host liquor liability (non-profit)
All activities necessary to conduct events
Ownership, use, or maintenance of arena or event areas
General negligence claims
Cost of investigation and defense of claims, even if groundless
Exclusions for Commercial General Liability Coverage, include but are not limited to the following:
Access or Disclosure of Confidential or Personal Information and data-Related Liability – With Limited Bodily Injury Exception, Coverage C – Medical Payments, Employment Related Practices Exclusion, Fungi or Bacteria, Exclusion of Other Acts of Terrorism Committed Outside the United States; CAP on Losses from Certified Acts of Terrorism, Exclusion of Punitive Damages Related to Terrorism, Liability Arising Out of Lead, Silica or Related Dust Exclusion, Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical Exclusion, Failure to Provide Waiver and Release Sublimit, Exclusion – Organic Pathogens. All of the above are subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
Excluded activities:
The ownership, operation, maintenance arising out of the use of inflatable recreational devices or inflatable amusement devices of any kind.
Any use or any event or any display of fireworks, or any other use of pyrotechnics including any firework sales or storage.
Any use, handling or storage of any fire arms, ammunition or explosives.
Any operations involving bungee devices, carnival rides, corn cannons, organized equine racing contests, organized equine vaulting or jumping contests, leasing of horses, jumping pillows, knocker ball, bubble soccer, Zorb ball, mechanical bucking devices including multi-ride attachments, aerial activities above 12 feet, rock climbing activities, activities involving permanent or mobile rock wall climbing structures, zip lines, pumpkin launching devices, rope challenge courses, water skiing, surfing, white water rafting or kayaking, tackle football, tracked or trackless train rides, trampolines, bike related trick or stunt activities or contests, Zippy Pets, haunted houses, haunted trails or haunted boats or barges, demolition derbies of any kind, independent security services other than a contracted public law enforcement officer.
MMA style and boxing tournaments and competitions participants, bare knuckle boxing, live edged or sharpened weapons, firearms training or instruction, all Security Officers Registration Act (SORA) training programs, WWE style fight training, professional fight training, professional fighting participants, trail design, construction and maintenance, 3rd party vendors, 3rd party performers and artists, aerial activities and performances other than studio sponsored recitals with maximum heights of 12 ft, child care operations, gymnastics apparatuses: balance beam, uneven bars, vault, spring flooring, rings.
Additional Insured parties may be added at no charge (not including independent contractors). Please note, the optional Primary and Non Contributory endorsement and Waiver of Subrogation endorsement will cost $100.00 each if requested.
Note: Certain exclusions and limitations may be modified to meet individual state requirements. Rates and minimum premium may be higher in certain coverage states.
A 3% Credit Card Processing Fee will be added to all non-financed credit card orders. Credit Card Fee does not apply in FL.
The General Liability and Accident coverage are provided by Great American Insurance Group.
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